
Hi, all. Happy Monday! If that’s a contradiction in terms, I apologize. I DO hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Everybody Deserves a Massage Week was a hit; I started out by celebrating by helping someone in her home that REALLY needed me! Aaannnddd, an updated on my year-long, continuing-ed class will follow soon!

Massage Therapy Continuing Education

Well, tonight I’ve got a CONTINUING (year-long series!) continuing-ed class on fibromyalgia. I’m still not swayed either way as to whether I believe we (LMTs, of course) should have ever been mandated to take continuing education. I feel that I get an education EVERY time I see a patient (I’ve also heard this opinion from some fellow therapists, including my own!), but I do honestly feel that NCBMTB (National Certification Board on Massage Therapy and Bodywork) was simply trying to lend, and keep, credence to my wonderful, healthful, chosen profession!

Followup to Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals…..

Hello, there, all,

Well, as I stated on Monday, I’ve gotten my thoughts together (which also reminds me of how much I believe in followup in business!!) on ABMP’s magazine article that found that 64% of U.S. adults have never had a massage. The following are reasons that people (patients of mine and not patients) have told me they will never have a massage or do not receive REGULAR massage: schedule, money, fear, and massage is only for relaxation and/or rich people because it’s a luxury. Addressing the reason of fear, I say, “First and foremost, any TRUE massage therapist will NEVER hurt you. Just like anything new, medical-practitioner wise or anything else in life, just TRY it”! If it’s fear of being touched or being undressed, I say, “Any TRUE massage therapist will respect your body and your mind ALWAYS. If you forever want massages fully clothed, the sessions may not be easy and the most beneficial, but that, obviously, doesn’t mean it can’t be done”! Addressing the reason of massage is only for relaxation and/or rich people because it’s a luxury, I say, “Massage affects, or at least CAN affect, POSITIVELY, EVERY system of the body. While it certainly FEELS luxurious, massage deeply affects minds and bodies, which thereby potentially can stave off maladies, the severity of these maladies, and the longevity of these maladies”! I did not address the reasons of time and money because people are honestly exceptionally busy and talking about money, I feel, would come across as preachy, and I am not a preachy person; I hope the facts speak for themselves! Thank you for reading; I’m off to work a little more!