The Pin and Stretch Technique

Joseph E. Muscolino, DC’s article in the latest edition of ABMP’s Massage and Bodywork was an exceptionally useful reminder for us therapists (and bodyworkers)! He told of how this technique centers around the fact that often, a therapist should focus on just one section of the muscle, not the entire structure and all of its attached and surrounding structures. I loved the entire section of the article that told of the neural inhibition stretching technique, which uses the nervous system to enhance the physical act of stretching that’s happening!

Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique

Robert Libbey, RMT’s class (through World Massage Conference) was another very thought-provoking one! He researched a lot about another researcher, Andrew Taylor Snow, who found that ligament injuries are not seen, anymore, as simple musculoskeletal injuries. Ligament are, ultimately, the same as muscles and other tissues. Fascia, specifically, produces 2,000 pounds of pressure/1 square inch! It is throughout the body, decreases tension, and is symmetrical and nonlinear. Lastly, it is a feedback system (and I think it’s easy to see why b/c it has receptors) that affects the human body in a powerful way (good and bad), even when (and maybe ESPECIALLY when) only small changes are received from the body!

Massage Therapy and Heart Health

In February 14, 2017’s Institute for Integrative Health Care, Leslie DeMatteo, LMT, MS, wrote Massage Therapy’s Role in Heart Health. Clinically, massage has been shown to significantly reduce pain levels. When humans are in pain, the stress response is activated; this releases cortisol and adrenaline, which brings on a state of stress for the body and, specifically, a strain on the heart, eventually causing damage. A study of massage therapy on hypertensive women showed that over four weeks, Swedish massage therapy was shown to significantly reduce blood pressure and heart rate! Another study of children who had heart disease demonstrated that massage therapy was beneficial  for the children who had undergone heart surgery, reducing their blood pressure and pain.