central sensitization

Finished reading Douglas Nelson’s The Master Volume Switch in latest edition of ABMP’s Massage and Bodywork; I loved it! Central sensitization says that the body’s central nervous system is, or can be, the tell all to a massage therapist. Once the malady is determined, working on it, from the body’s nervous system’s point of view, can help enhance the therapist’s work even more!

vertebral mobility

Finished Til Luchau’s Vertebral Mobility article in last month’s ABMP magazine. While his technique seems scary (actually MOVING vertebrae!!), I will use it on patients in its intended manner and continue to help heal, reduce pain, and increase patients’ body awareness, which I consider to be my favorite part of massage therapy!

ABMP’s article about soft tissue review findings

Found yet more evidence based research from Manual Therapy journal that found a review of 7 articles over 25 years! The review stated that manual soft tissue therapies are effective in treating certain musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. It clarified the efficacy of upper and lower extremity maladies and found these 3 notable stats: myofascial release was effective for treating lateral epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis, movement re-education was effective for managing lateral epicondylitis, and localized relaxation massage teamed with other modalities may provide short term treatment benefits for carpal tunnel syndrome!

Kinesiology Taping

Thanks to ABMP and World Massage Conference, I was able to get back in to the back pain summit and take another kinesiology taping CE class! I absolutely loved it, mostly because it was challenging and simple at the same time. I can not wait to start soon and start offering it to my patients. Most of them, and most people in general of course unfortunately, can stand pain and inflammation reduction and enhanced healing from what we licensed massage therapists do!