back pain summit

Well, I finished the back pain summit! As usual, I learned, and relearned, so much. I can’t wait to delve deeper into kinesiology taping. The precision neuromuscular therapy was a wonderful, simple reminder of all that can contribute to back pain in the human body!

back pain summit

I just finished part 1 of 7 (Factors in Back Pain-Framing the Discussion From a Clinical Perspective) of the Back Pain Summit. I really like being reminded of ALL of the “stuff” that can, and does, lead to back pain, and sometimes, there are no TRUE answers. Then, I liked being reminded of the hugely positive change massage therapy and massage therapists can have on people with back pain, whether it be diagnosed or not!

Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals’ Massage and Bodywork cont…..

When a massage therapist has a little “time “on her hands””, what does she do? She rereads ABMP’s Massage and Bodywork before the next edition comes, and that’s exactly what I’m doing! Rereading about miserable malalignment syndrome (specifically the first 2 of 6 conditions or parts of the syndrome. They are 1.: broad pelvis and 2.: excessive Q angle.). I love learning about how the syndrome can manifest itself in the lower AND upper body! Also, reread on one of my favorite things, which is massage and massage therapy for people who are geriatric. Since I love how massage therapy and massage therapists can help people who are underserved, I love any info on massage for people who are elderly!

yet another massage therapy testimony

The other day, I had a great, in my opinion, conversation w/ an acquaintance. She asked me what I did for a living; she loved my “massage therapist” reply! A few years ago, she took her mother for her very first massage. When her mother came out after the session, everyone could tell that the session did what a massage therapy session is supposed to do. She went on to tell me, though, that her mother has yet to return for any other massage therapy session. She also knows that her mother can afford it. For me, then, it lead right into previous posts and some unscientific research as to why people do not receive regular massages. We agreed that it’s probably a lot of reasons that go into it; she assumed that even though she and her mom agreed that what we massage therapists do is in our title ( we actually provide THERAPY), getting out of the house and such was just too much. So, ultimately, her testimony was bittersweet…