Forty Winks

Greater Rochester Chiropractic’s latest newsletter (from reports and research from 2010, 2016, and earlier this year) talked of one of my favorite, healthful, beautiful things, sleep! They know, and relayed, that the minimum, in general, amount of sleep for us is 7 hours daily. A lesser amount will likely lead to insufficient physiological functioning. Sufficient rest enables our bodies to recover from daily stresses and strains and repair damaged cells and tissues. Over time, getting less sleep than we need results in muscle and joint stiffness and tension, otherwise unexplained aches and pains, impaired digestion with a wide range of symptoms, emotional irritability, and disordered cognitive function. Eight hours is great if you can get it, so they highly suggest discipline yourself to find, and keep, the rest that’s right for you!

That Which Fires Together Wires Together

Douglas Nelson’s article (still from ABMP’s Massage and Bodywork) was timely and informative! He said, “There is a saying in neuroscience: that which fires together wires together. Each time you contract your neck erectors while simultaneously firing your middle trapezius, your brain learns to link the two actions together.”. Very terribly fascinating and challenging for a therapist and patient and that much more wonderful when it happens for the patient!