Exploring Plantar Foot Pain, Part 1

Whitney Lowe’s (from current ABMP’s Massage & Bodywork) article was, as usual, as thorough as could be! Of course, he talked about the most common form of plantar foot pain, plantar fasciitis, first; then, he embedded in us therapists that nerve entrapments and soft-tissue maladies are common as well!

An Ode to the Sternum

Allison Denney’s article in ABMP’s latest Massage & Bodywork was again so timely for me! The fact that I blog about it in Valentine’s Day week made me smile, especially when one line it was, “the breath that raises the sternum into a comfortable position makes room for a bigger heart.”. I feel Ms. Denney was so very insightful when she reminds us therapists that the sternum is heavy and thick and has numerous attachment points, but it thereby can “shift from robust to convex.”. She emphasizes that, naturally, we should focus on breath for us and our patients but that that portion of treatment will be met with resistance at first; this is why the point to me that stands out the most is that the whole of the human body is connected!


Found out about this treatment from ABMP’s Massage & Bodywork yet again (they are so great because they are always so chocked-full of information!). It (and maybe StarFace Exerssage specifically) is a facial yoga technique that consists of breathing and cranial massage, contouring, and acupressure pulsing massage movements!

Researcher Discovers Soleus Muscle Promotes Glucose and Fat Burning

From my latest (yes-I am back up to date!) ABMP’s Massage & Bodywork’s Knead to Know section, Marc Hamilton found the soleus, which makes up 1 percent of our body weight, if activated in a movement called the “soleus pushup”, could elevate muscle metabolism bodywide. This makes so much sense to me as this muscle, and possibly the gastrocnemius, the other “major” calf muscle, has been called the body’s “second heart”. Mr. Hamilton speculates that this fact about the body’s “connectedness” could factor into alleviating symptoms of many ill effects of inactivity!