Miserable Malalignment Syndrome, Part 1 continued….

Well, first of all, it is MALalignment, not MISalignment like I stated previously. Second, the article was really informative and chockedfull of information. Mr. Lowe said Part 2 is treatments for the Syndrome. That the human body will NEVER cease to amaze me is precisely why I am a massage therapist!

Miserable Misalignment Syndrome and Massage Therapy

Reading Miserable Misalignment Syndrome (in general, a host of maladies that could result from almost any conceivable misalignment in the lower body), Part I in my ABMP magazine. I’ll post again when I read the main treatment(s) and what massage therapy and the massage THERAPIST can do to help people afflicted.

massage therapy research

Read an article in my Associated Massage and Bodywork Professionals’ most-recent publication. It was so cool; the author found that research from 1999-2007 showed that foot massage can positively affect anxiety, depression, immune system response, nausea, pain, and stress! It’s now wonder, to me, seeing as how the whole body’s connected, but I love research that shows proof of all the good that can come from massage in general and foot massage specifically (and, boy, it sure does feel good!!)!

massage therapy continuing-ed class

Did my research and then had class #2 of 3 for massage therapy for people with fibromyalgia. Ultimately, we learned what a TRUE massage therapist should know: EVERY massage for EVERY person should be tailored to what they need THAT DAY!! The massage therapist should NEVER assume that a patient wants, which really means what the patient NEEDS, the same massage as the last session. Thank you for reading!